
Logistics Services

Air Freight

We are your airfreight specialist, we bring your goods to and from every place in the world.

Air Freight Services we offered

Ocean Freight

We offer Ocean freight services to our pan-India and international clients. We cater to the needs of clients associated with the import and export of goods using the national and international waterways. We have strong professional relationships with revered ocean carriers. We tirelessly work with them in a bid to ensure that our clients get the best space aboard cargo ships. We also make sure that the shipment reaches its intended destination on time all the while offering best-in-class security by tracking the same in real-time using state-of-the-art tracking technology.

Ocean Freight Services we offered

Road Freight

We have strong partnerships with several companies associated with road transportation of generic as well as sensitive goods. We choose our road transportation service partners carefully to ensure safe handling and timely deliveries of goods in mainland India. We assign project managers for our road freight shipments in a bid to ensure quality is maintained in the services rendered. We track shipments using our state-of-the-art tracking system that ensures the consignments reach their destination without getting entangled in a mishap.

Road Freight Services we offered

Courier Services

We can deliver all cargoes with highest urgency! We deliver everything quick by air or road

Courier Services we offered

Custom Clearance

We can prepare and submit all necessary documents that are typically required to import or export goods in and out of a nation. In case our clients need assistance with custom clearance formalities then we can offer that as well. We will guide our clients with the paperwork they have to submit to us so that we can process them and prepare the necessary papers on our end.

Custom Clearance Services we offered

Hazardous Cargo

We have a dedicated hazardous cargo department that allows us to carefully approve only declared dangerous goods before they are being forwarded by us. Our dangerous goods department is being headed by certified and experienced personnel who will review shipment feasibility. They will also perform thorough compliance checks in a bid to ensure that our company and our clients remain on the right side of national and international law. We periodically train our dangerous cargo handling and shipping personnel to ensure that your hazardous cargo gets the care it needs in a bid to keep storage, handling and shipping mishaps at bay. We have set up a dedicated IT setup that is developed in-house. This dedicated setup allows us to seamlessly process dangerous goods shipments thus ensuring timely deliveries.